You have a choice!
When you are in need of care services, you have the legal right to choose the agency you prefer.
The agency to provide your post-discharge care is not determined by your physician, the hospital you utilized, or your place of residence. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) requires that hospitals develop and divulge a list of Medicare-certified agencies which provide services within your geographic area. When presenting the options, hospital discharge planners are legally and ethically prohibited from expressing a preference or influencing your decision. Utilizing an agency associated with a hospital or medical practice does not guarantee you will return home sooner or that they will provide better care than another agency. Regardless of your insurance coverage or the type of care you require, your choice of health care provider must be honored if you specifically request an agency by name.
When you are in need of home care services, you have the legal right to choose the agency you prefer. The agency to provide your post-discharge care is not determined by your physician, the hospital you utilized, or your place of residence. Regardless of your insurance coverage or the type of care you require, your choice of health care provider must be honored if you specifically request an agency by name.
When your discharge planner begins to discuss your plans for returning home, tell them that you want your in-home services to be provided by the Farmington Valley VNA. We provide care services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, regardless of your insurance coverage, financial limitations, or ability to pay. Ask for us by name!”
Care is available through the Farmington Valley VNA 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Ask for us by name!